Are you prepared and ready for a successful and enjoyable 2022? Be the fierce and fabulous Queen that you are destined to become with this productivity tool. It was designed to help you dream big, do more and achieve all of your resolutions and goals.
A truly Insp-HER-ational planner featuring the cute, sassy and empow-HER-ing artwork of Kiwi McDowell. Made for the Pure Choc-Lit Sistas that are ready to be all they can be.
This planner contains many features for those looking for a tool that will help them organize their life. Monthly and weekly views and each page has character and meaning.
The spiral-bound planner is filled with sassy Insp-Her-ation, conversation start-HER pages, Self Obs-HER-vation pages, vision board pages and so much more!
Measures 8.375x5.375 inches (closed). Bookmark ribbon included.